Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sheryl Sherrod

This past week in the news we heard a lot about Sheryl Sherrod, the former Georgia Director of Rural Development. It was determined that she was unjustly forced to resign from her position after a segment of a speech she made at a NAACP event was placed out on the internet. The piece positioned her as a "reverse racist" in regards to a white farmer.

What's interesting is before all the details were put on the table she was asked (while driving her car) to "pull over to the side of the road and resign" and the NAACP at the time agreed with the forced resignation (they later retracted their position).

CNN and the Atlanta Constitution Journal correctly reported that the video was a misrepresentation of the full speech and that she should be judged on the entire speech. After all of these details, along wth other items that came to the surface, Ms. Sherrod was offered her job back.

The question is should she forgive those who jumped to conclusions before viewing and researching all of the details? Also should she take her job back? What's interesting is the white farmer she supposedly was racist against came out to her defense. Mrs. Eloise Spooner (the wife of the said farmer) even went as far as to say that Ms. Sherrod helped them save their farm!

In conclusion, I also found it interesting that details came out that Ms. Sherrod's father was killed in a racially motivated murder. when she was asked about this she said, "If I could move beyond race, if I could move beyond the ability to try to hate, and when you look at what happened to us, when you look at what was done, if I could move beyond that to a life of love and service, we all should be able to do it. And that's my message."

Remember...."Forgiveness is not an occasional is an attitude!"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What does BP Need to do to Seek Forgiveness From the People of the Gulf Coast

Recently I had a conversation with a friend and we were talking about the various current events of the world and their relation to the topic of "forgiveness." Of course we couldn't help but bring up the oil problem along the Gulf Coast and what is BP doing to help remedy the situation. How are they dealing with the necessary healing and seeking forgiveness from the people of the Gulf Coast?

Give us your opinion on the steps you think BP can put in place to start the healing process???

Let us hear from you...

Wendy ~

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Desiree Rogers White House Social Secretary

I'm sure many of you heard that the darling Ms. Desiree Rogers, White House Social Secretary for President Obama recently stepped down and she is being replaced by Julianna Smoot.

After coming under fire for allowing an uninvited couple, Tareq & Michaele Salahi entrance into a White House Affair back in November the pressure on her performance has been on! The question I want to pose is do you think she should have resigned or do you think she should have been forgiven and given another opportunity to prove herself?

The sticky part is this breached the security of our President....this is different than someone just sneaking into a local party. Then on top of things the couple placed photos from the event on their facebook page!

Give me your thoughts...


Friday, January 29, 2010

Forgiving When You Feel They Are Wrong

This morning on KJLH I spoke about the importance of Forgiveness and I used a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There's some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us!"

I went on to say that we need to be careful to show love and forgiveness to all because we never know when the shoe may be on ther other foot (our feet).....

I received a lot of text messages and voice messages after I talked about that because in the headlines right now in Inglewood and the LA area there's the whole piece about how Mayor Dorn of Inglewood resigned....and there were many who felt he deserved it and that they couldn't forgive comment to that would be, forgiveness has nothing to do with judging if someone is right or wrong...or even's about letting the system do what it is going to do and possibly even freeing oneself. The thing is....when someone does something wrong...and they know it....they will judge themselves....

What do you think???


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In 2010 Let's Begin Again!!!!

Happy New Year! It's been a while since I came out and posted something on my blog. I am truly sorry....where does time go? For those of you that read the Los Angeles Sentinel we are changing things up a bit in our column....we are now not only sharing tid bits about what's happening around town, but also sharing words of encouragement to help you forgive and truly move on with a new perspective on life...check us out. We're also changing our flow on KJLH 102.3 on Friday Mornings at 5am with Dominique DiPrima on the Front Page. She's letting us fly and share tips on Forgiveness and how to help make our community a better place. So I'm sending out lots of love to both the Los Angeles Sentinel and KJLH 102.3 Radio!!!

At the top of the year it's always a good time to set new goals and objectives on what you want in your life. We encourage you to put "forgiveness" at the top of your list! Who knows someone may decide to give you a second chance as well!

Blessings ~
