For the past several
weeks it seems like every time I turn around someone close to me made their
transition from this life to the next. It's
sobering because it really shows the brevity of life. As I reflect on my childhood growing up with
my grandmother she always seemed to be in full motion doing something. In my childlike tone I would ask her,
"why are you always so busy?"
She would respond by saying, "there's a lot of work that needs to
be done and it will be night soon."
Of course I didn't
totally comprehend what she meant back then, but as I continued to grow and
progress through life the scripture found in John 9:4 where it says: "I must work the works of him that sent
me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work, " resonated
in my ears loud and strong. What I also
find hilarious is that now my children and various friends and family members
often say to me, "Wendy go sit down somewhere." Well, as my grandmother said, I can't because
there's much work that needs to be done.
The problem I think
with many of us is we are often "busy" but are we really taking care
of "business?" Do we have
purpose? Do we add value? Do we make the lives of the people we touch
better in some kind of way, or are we draining?
Are we negative? Do we drag
people down because in reality we're not really happy with our own lives.
This past week
Forgiving For Living held a workshop in Riverside for young ladies between 13 -
18 years old focusing on health and life skills. Interestingly on the very day we did our
workshop a news story broke that stated a sex-trafficking ring was identified
right in the Inland Empire. The story
said "gang members used Inland
Empire High Schools to recruit underage girls (12 - 15) to work as prostitutes
in the Los Angeles area according to the FBI."
If we want our lives
to matter and mean something we must be mindful of our youth. So many things that were fought for in
previous generations are being destroyed right before our very eyes. What does that say about us and what we are
allowing to happen on our watch? If you
don't know where to begin or what to do regarding "working while it is yet
day" start with a young person that crosses your path!
Healing Without
Hate: It's a choice. It's a lifestyle.
Pass it on!
Visit & You can email her at Also follow her blog: Wendy is featured on Radio Free 102.3 KJLH on
Dominique DiPrima's Front Page Friday Mornings @ 5:00am.
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